If you sign in to Windows 8.1 Professional Product Key with a Microsoft Account, you discovered that Windows 8.1 Professional Product Key has moved Libraries to the sideline in favor of SkyDrive. I suppose this is probably a great thing for all the folks who hated Libraries from day one, but what about those of us who have come to depend on the Libraries feature? Plus, a lot of Windows 8.1 Professional Product Key users have been encountering difficulties with SkyDrive.
I'll describe two ways to move Windows 7 Professional Product Key to the sideline and reinstate Libraries as the predominant location for accessing your documents and pictures.
Put Libraries back in File Explorer
When you open File Explorer in Windows 8.1 Professional Product Key, you see that SkyDrive appears in the Navigation pane right where Libraries used to be (Windows 7 Professional Product Key A). You'll also notice this in the Save As dialog boxes for the majority of your Windows 7 Professional Product Key applications.
Remove SkyDrive from File Explorer
If simply adding Libraries back to File Explorer is not enough for you, you can choose to remove SkyDrive from the Navigation Pane with a registry hack. (Warning: Hacking the registry file could render the system inoperable. Please make a backup of the registry file before you make any edits or tweaks.)
To launch the Registry Editor in Windows 7 Professional Product Key , press [Windows]+Q to access the Apps Search Settings page. Then, type Regedit in the text box and click Regedit.exe. If you prefer, you can use [Windows]+R to bring up the Run dialog box. Then, type Regedit in the Open text box and click OK. Either way, you'll see a User Account Control dialog box, and you'll need to click the Yes button. You should see the Registry Editor.
Once the Registry Editor is up and running, navigate to the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\ {8E74D236-7F35-4720-B138-1FED0B85EA75}\ShellFolder. Then, right-click the ShellFolder icon and select Permissions from the context menu. When you see the Permissions dialog box, click the Advanced button.