
Windows 7 Not everyone is very satisfied

However, for some of the partners, the additional features included in windows 7 professional product key, but it may have a negative impact on its revenue potential. Windows 7 direct access technology allows employees to access corporate networks in remote offices without via VPN, which will affect some of Microsoft's partners. 
Windows 7 professional activation key But Microsoft believes this will not cause too much harm to partners, Microsoft also hope they can offer more features, such as value-driven (value-driven) VPN solution. 
The greatest concern is Windows 7 professional activation code to existing customers and what impact business applications software, especially developed for XP is often based on ERP. Ovum expects, despite some internal development for the enterprise, and the substantial investment made ??in terms of the application software, indeed there are some teething problems, but many features will be retained. 
Microsoft still retains the advice and services to support system integrators and other service partners, and in a way to help reduce the risk.

